Welcome to your very first Newcomer’s Honeymoon Mission. As expected the first challenge is super easy. I’m Barry Craig, and I’ll be your guide through all 30 missions in Newcomer Honeymoon!

What is the Honeymoon Missions Day 1 Challenge?

Play 50 hands of Holdem. It’s that simple! Just start your missions, check what is required and go for it.

How Much is the Day 1 Bonus?

Day 1 wont pay out a bonus, but after 3 completed missions you’ll earn your very first Newcomer’s Honeymoon Bonus – 4x $0.25 Spin & Gold tickets.

Getting Started

We’re assuming you already have the Natural 8 App installed and set up.

  1. Select Holdem

    Today’s game is Holdem. Select it from the game menu.

  2. Choose Your Stake

    Choose your desired playing stakes. I selected 5c/10c.

  3. Click Join

    Click the Join button to start a game.

  4. Choose the Amount

    You’ll be asked how much you want to bring to the table. I added $10.

  5. Join More Tables

    You can join more than 1 table by repeating steps 3-4 above. I joined two tables of 5c/10c bringing $10 to each table.

Remember, our goal today is to play 50 games of Holdem.

Tips for Completing Day 1

Mission 1 is very simple. If you follow my directions on how to set up the game you should have no problems.

Remember you can check your progress during the mission by clicking honeymoon in the bottom right hand corner of the lobby. This is updated in real-time.

Honeymoon Mission Day 1 Video

If you would prefer to watch the video on YouTube, here you go: Honeymoon Mission Day 1 Completed.

Day 1 Facts & Figures

Honeymoon Missions Day 1 Play 50 Hands of Holdem
⚑ Difficulty Easy
⏳ Time Taken 18m
πŸƒ Games Available Holdem
🎲 Total Hands/Tourneys Played 50
πŸ’΅ Mission Profit -$5.36
πŸ’° Total Profit -$5.36
🎁 Today's BonusNext Bonus - Day 3
πŸ† Honeymoon Rewards to Date $0
Honeymoon Mission Day 1 Rating by 4CardMagic

Day 1 FAQs

How long does it take to complete Day 1 of Honeymoon Missions?

Day 1 lasted just 18 minutes, and I played the 50 hands required to complete the mission. Day 1’s mission is extremely easy.

What games can you play to complete Day 30 of the Honeymoon Challenge?

You must play Holdem to complete Day 1 of the Newcomers’ Honeymoon Challenge. You cannot complete Day 1 playing any game other than Holdem.

How difficult is it to complete Day 30 of the Honeymoon Challenge?

At just 18 minutes to complete 50 hands, Day 1’s Mission is extremely easy to finish.

Just Starting your Honeymoon Missions Journey?

Thanks for visiting my website designed to help you complete all the missions and get the maximum bonus possible from the GGNetwork. If you're just starting, please open an account with Natural8, or if you want to try again and haven't played with Natural8 yet. It really helps me to help you.

If you do sign up, I’m happy to become your Honeymoon Mission Mentor and help you complete the challenges with advice and coaching and extra videos.

Have a Question About Day 1? Need my Help?

Leave a comment below and I’ll try my best to help you out.

Honeymoon Mission Day 1 Challenge Level: Easy, only a short amount of time in a simple game at low stakes.

Barry Craig

Hi! I'm Barry Craig, and my mission is to help you finish your Honeymoon Mission. You can find me online using the handle "4 Card Magic". I've been a poker player for over 20 years. Playing in the World Series of Poker was always my dream, and I did that 3 times. I was the first ever Northern Ireland Poker Champion, with my biggest live tournament cash of Β£50,000. I have had many five figure online cashes, with my biggest $60,000 without ever playing in high-roller events. I only ever played in a handful of live tournaments and tended to be fortunate. You can check out my stats here: Barry Craig's Live Poker Stats.


Edi Hariyanto · December 14, 2020 at 5:40 am

Day 1

Play holdem 50 hands with $0.01/$0.02 stake and All or Fold holdem 100 hands to complete “$60 challenge from $100 deposit bonus”. also all ticket from deposit bonus already played ( 7 x $0.25, 2 x 41, 2 x $3) πŸ™ sadly only 1 ticket I can won ($3 ticket and won $6)

Start balance : $30

Finish challenge ~30 minutes
1. honeymoon : -$0.02
2. $60 deposit bonus challenge : $3.44 + $2 (completed day 1 challenge)
3. 10 spin and gold ticket : $6

Balance : $41.92

    4 Card Magic · December 14, 2020 at 11:21 am

    Solid start Edi, I will follow your progress. Feel free to ask any questions, If I’m around, I’m happy to help

Robert · February 1, 2021 at 10:42 pm

Hi Barry,

Cheers for your blog. Very informative!

Do you happen to know if it’s possible to do the Honeymoon on both GG and Natural8? I can see in the GG help section that a person can have an account at both, and I don’t see anything in the T&C about not being eligible for a second honeymoon or deposit bonus etc.



Barry Craig · February 2, 2021 at 8:28 am

Hi Robert,

Yes, you can! I asked GG support about this and it is fine. Please sign up using my link and I’ll happily help you through the missions.




Robert · February 2, 2021 at 8:14 pm

That’s great! Thank you for looking into that. I’ll gladly use your link when I sign up at Natural8.


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