Great news, our Honeymoon Mission for today is exactly the same as Day 20. Keep reading for my strategy tips for completing Day 27! I’m Barry Craig, and I’m your digital Sherpa to completing the Honeymoon for Newcomers challenge!

What is the Day 27 Honeymoon Missions Challenge?

4CardMagic! makes Marc Gork fold a 6. But be careful who you bluff

The Honeymoon Missions Day 27 challenge requires you to play 500 Hands of “Rush & Cash”. Very straightforward, and if you follow my tips below you should come through in spades.

How Much is the Prize for Completing Day 27 Challenge?

Day 27 is the second of 5 missions you’ll need to complete to unlock the final and largest Honeymoon for Newcomers bonus. So there is no bonus for completing Mission 27. Once you complete the remaining 3 missions you will collect your final bonus reward of $150 USD.

Getting Started

We’re assuming you already have the Natural 8 App installed and set up.

How to start Day 27 mission:

  1. Select “Rush & Cash”

    From the lobby, choose “Rush & Cash”.

  2. Select your Game

    You can play Holdem or Omaha – both count towards your 500 hand target.

  3. Set you Buy-In Amount

    Now select your preferred buy-in amount.

  4. Start multiple tables

    You can play multiple tables to complete the mission.

Remember, our goal is to play 500 games of “Rush & Cash”, and it doesn’t matter if you play Holdem or Omaha – both count towards your 500 hand target.

Strategy Tips for Completing Day 27

My strategy tip for today is to play a 3-bet or fold strategy in the Small Blind against Cut-off or Button opening raises. Be selective with your hands but many times your opponent will fold. If he only calls, you have a range advantage and can take the pot with a strong continuation bet on the flop if the board suits your range.

Day 27 Playthrough Video

Watch the Honeymoon for Newcomers Day 27 full playthrough.

If you would prefer to watch the video on YouTube, here you go: Honeymoon Missions Day 27 Playthrough Video.

Day 27 Facts & Figures

Honeymoon Missions Day
⚡ Difficulty
⏳ Time Taken
🃏 Games Available
🎲 Total Hands/Tourneys Played
💵 Mission Profit
💰 Total Profit
🎁 Today's Bonus
🏆 Honeymoon Rewards to Date
Honeymoon Mission Day Rating by 4CardMagic

Day 30 FAQs

Just Starting your Honeymoon Missions Journey?

Thanks for visiting my website designed to help you complete all the missions and get the maximum bonus possible from the GGNetwork. If you're just starting, please open an account with Natural8, or if you want to try again and haven't played with Natural8 yet. It really helps me to help you.

If you do sign up, I’m happy to become your Honeymoon Mission Mentor and help you complete the challenges with advice and coaching and extra videos.

Have a Question About Day 27? Need my Help?

Leave a comment below and I’ll try my best to help you out.

Barry Craig

Hi! I'm Barry Craig, and my mission is to help you finish your Honeymoon Mission. You can find me online using the handle "4 Card Magic". I've been a poker player for over 20 years. Playing in the World Series of Poker was always my dream, and I did that 3 times. I was the first ever Northern Ireland Poker Champion, with my biggest live tournament cash of £50,000. I have had many five figure online cashes, with my biggest $60,000 without ever playing in high-roller events. I only ever played in a handful of live tournaments and tended to be fortunate. You can check out my stats here: Barry Craig's Live Poker Stats.

1 Comment

Edi Hariyanto · January 9, 2021 at 7:24 am

Day 27

Hi Barry, Its been while since last my comment on day 20 if I remember. There is alot Ive been through. before hit day 21, I played alot AnF to chasing jackpot. i dont know, just feeling lucky lmao. Which is drag me down to almost zero balance. I planning to reach bonus 15 day (T$12.5) to prepare my bullet on day 26, but I ruined and screw up everything 🙁 . After day 21 and so on, I cant finished my mission. I have money on neteller to play day 26 winning bounty hunter(almost impossible with only $11 on neteller). Okay, I decided deposit again today because I knew gonna be easy mission day 27 play 500 hands Cash and Rush even it took about 1 hour to finish it. As you can see, after all the journey I make, even tho I screw up everything but it amazing journey Ive been playing. Thank you for your guide, you make everything possible to everyone who wanna complete this newcomer mission. I dont know if it really worth it to continue because there is no chance I can complete day 20 bonus with 3 days mission left. I said again Thank you for bringing this amazing guide. I wish nothing but the best for you, Buddy

Start balance : $11.2
Time : ~1 hour
End balance : $13.32 (T$12.5)

I will post the rest mission if I decide to play it. Thank you again 🙂

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